Thursday, September 3, 2020

Marshal Philippe Petain in World War I

Marshal Philippe Petain in World War I Philippe Ptain - Early Life Career: Conceived April 24, 1856 at Cauchyla-Tour, France, Philippe Pã ©tain was the child of a rancher. Entering the French Army in 1876, he later went to the St. Cyr Military Academy and the École Supã ©rieure de Guerre. Elevated to chief in 1890, Pã ©tains profession advanced gradually as he campaigned for the substantial utilization of mounted guns while denying the French hostile way of thinking of massed infantry ambushes. Later elevated to colonel, he directed the eleventh Infantry Regiment at Arras in 1911 and started mulling over retirement. These plans were quickened when he was educated that he would not be elevated to brigadier general. With the flare-up of World War I in August 1914, all considerations of retirement were expelled. Telling a unit when the battling initiated, Pã ©tain got a quick advancement to brigadier general and took order of the sixth Division in an ideal opportunity for the First Battle of the Marne. Performing admirably, he was raised to lead XXXIII Corps that October. In this job, he drove the corps in the bombed Artois Offensive the next May. Elevated to order the Second Army in July 1915, he drove it during the Second Battle of Champagne in the fall. Philippe Ptain - Hero of Verdun: In mid 1916, German Chief of Staff, Erich von Falkenhayn tried to constrain an unequivocal fight on the Western Front that would break the French Army. Opening the Battle of Verdun on February 21, German powers weighed down on the city and made starting increases. With the circumstance basic, Pã ©tains Second Army was moved to Verdun to help in the safeguard. On May 1, he was elevated to order the Center Army Group and supervised the protection of the whole Verdun division. Utilizing the big guns convention he had advanced as a lesser official, Pã ©tain had the option to slow and in the long run stop the German development. Philippe Ptain - Finishing the War: Having won a key triumph at Verdun, Pã ©tain was rankled when his replacement with Second Army, General Robert Nivelle, was delegated Commander-in-Chief over him on December 12, 1916. The next April, Nivelle propelled a monstrous offense at Chemin des Dames. A grisly disappointment, it prompted Pã ©tain being designated Army Chief of Staff on April 29 and at last supplanting Nivelle on May 15. With the flare-up of mass revolts in the French Army that mid year, Pã ©tain moved to mollify the men and tuned in to their interests. While requesting particular discipline for the pioneers, he likewise improved day to day environments and leave approaches. Through these activities and shunning enormous scope, wicked offensives, he prevailing with regards to reconstructing the battling soul of the French Army. In spite of the fact that constrained tasks happened, Pã ©tain chose to anticipate American fortifications and huge quantities of new Renault FT17 tanks before progressing. With the start of the German Spring Offensives in March 1918, Pã ©tains troops were hit hard and pushed back. At last balancing out the lines, he dispatched stores to help the British. Supporting an arrangement of resistance top to bottom, the French dynamically fared better and first held, at that point pushed back the Germans at the Second Battle of the Marne that mid year. With the Germans stopped, Pã ©tain drove French powers during the last battles of the contention which eventually drove the Germans from France. For his administration, he was made Marshal of France on December 8, 1918. A saint in France, Pã ©tain was welcome to go to the marking of the Treaty of Versailles on June 28, 1919. Following the marking, he named bad habit director of the Conseil Supã ©rieur de la Guerre. Philippe Ptain - Interwar Years: After a bombed presidential offer in 1919, he served in an assortment of high regulatory posts and conflicted with the administration over military scaling back and faculty issues. Despite the fact that he supported a huge tank corps and aviation based armed forces, these plans were unworkable because of absence of assets and Pã ©tain came to support the development of a line of fortresses along the German outskirt as another option. This worked out as expected as the Maginot Line. In September 25, Pã ©tain took to the field for the last time when he drove a fruitful Franco-Spanish power against the Rif clans in Morocco. Resigning from the military in 1931, the multi year-old Pã ©tain came back to support as Minister of War in 1934. He held this post quickly, just as did a short stretch as Minister of State the next year. During his time in government, Pã ©tain couldn't stop the decreases in the safeguard spending which had left the French Army unready for a future clash. Coming back to retirement, he again was brought to national help in May 1940 during World War II. With the Battle of France going ineffectively in late May, General Maxime Weygand and Pã ©tain started to advocate for a peace negotiation. Philippe Ptain - Vichy France: On June 5, French Premier Paul Reynaud brought Pã ©tain, Weygand, and Brigadier General Charles de Gaulle into his War Cabinet with an end goal to reinforce the spirits of the military. After five days the administration relinquished Paris and moved to Tours and afterward Bordeaux. On June 16, Pã ©tain was named PM. In this job, he kept on squeezing for a peace negotiation, however some supported proceeding with the battle from North Africa. Declining to leave France, he got his desire on June 22 when a truce with Germany was agreed upon. Sanctioned on July 10, it successfully surrendered control of the northern and western pieces of France to Germany. The following day, Pã ©tain was delegated head of state for the recently shaped French State which was represented from Vichy. Dismissing the common and liberal conventions of the Third Republic, he looked to make a paternalistic Catholic state. Pã ©tains new system immediately removed republican heads, passed against Semitic laws, and detained displaced people. Adequately a customer province of Nazi Germany, Pã ©tains France was constrained to help the Axis Powers in their crusades. In spite of the fact that Pã ©tain indicated little compassion toward the Nazis, he allowed associations, for example, the Milice, a Gestapo-style volunteer army association, to be shaped inside Vichy France. Following the Operation Torch arrivals in North Africa in late 1942, Germany actualized Case Aton which required the total control of France. Despite the fact that Pã ©tains system kept on existing, he viably was consigned to the job of nonentity. In September 1944, after the Allied arrivals in Normandy, Pã ©tain and the Vichy government were evacuated to Sigmaringen, Germany to fill in as a legislature in a state of banishment. Reluctant to serve in this limit, Pã ©tain ventured down and coordinated that his name not be utilized related to the new association. On April 5, 1945, Pã ©tain wrote to Adolf Hitler mentioning consent to come back to France. Despite the fact that no answer was gotten, he was conveyed to the Swiss fringe on April 24. Philippe Ptain - Later Life: Entering France two days after the fact, Pã ©tain was arrested by De Gaulles temporary government. On July 23, 1945, he was put being investigated for injustice. Going on until August 15, the preliminary closed with Pã ©tain being seen as blameworthy and condemned to death. Because of his age (89) and World War I administration, this was driven to life detainment by De Gaulle. What's more, Pã ©tain was deprived of his positions and praises except for marshal which had been presented by the French Parliament. At first taken to Fort du Portalet in the Pyrenees, he was later detained at Forte de Pierre on the Þle dYeu. Pã ©tain stayed there until his demise on July 23, 1951. Chosen Sources First World War: Philippe PetainBBC: Philippe Petain World at War: Philippe Petain

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Writing Essay about Andy Warhol Example For Students

Composing Essay about Andy Warhol At 8 years old, Warhol contracted Chorea otherwise called SST. Vitas Dance . An uncommon and in some cases lethal illness of the sensory system that left him confined to bed for a while. It was during these months, while Warhol was wiped out in bed, that his mom, herself a dexterous craftsman, gave him his first drawing exercises. Drawing before long became Whorls most loved youth side interest. He was additionally an ardent tan tooth motion pictures, and when his mom got him a camera at 9 years old he took up photography also, creating film in a temporary darkroom he set up in their storm cellar. Warhol went to Holmes Elementary school and took the free craftsmanship classes offered at the Carnegie Institute (presently the Carnegie Museum of Art) in Pittsburgh. In 1942, at 14 years old, Warhol again endured a disaster when his dad died from an embittered liver. Warhol was vexed to such an extent that he was unable to go to his dads burial service, and he stowed away under his bed all through the wake. Whorls father had perceived his children imaginative gifts, and in his will he directed that his life investment funds go toward Whorls school training. That equivalent year, Warhol started High School, and after graduating, in 1945, he selected at he Carnegie Institute for Technology (presently Carnegie Mellon University) where he examined and graduated With a degree in pictorial plan. Pictorial structure is the specialty of making pictures and drawings which are regularly utilized in the creation of commercials and magazines. In 1949 Warhol moved to New York City to fill in as a business craftsman. He drew pictures for magazines and notices. He turned out to be effective. During the asses Warhol drew pictures for some significant magazines, for example, Enough and Harpers Bazaar. He likewise turned out to be very notable for a progression of promotions he made for shoes. Warhol utilized his involvement with business workmanship as a section into artistic work, He started his artwork vocation as a major aspect of the Pop Art development. This second was at its most grounded during the nineteen sixties, Pop Art was characterized by p ictures of material products and mainstream society, These craftsmen painted or printed regular pictures of things that generally are not viewed as workmanship. These pictures included photos from magazines, drink commercials and drawings jog mainstream funny cartoons. Pop specialists endorsed to utilizing broad communications and large scale manufacturing as an impact in their craft, pop Art additionally fleeted the ascent in riches and the significance of possessing things that America experienced in the ASS(Yes_ One of Andy Whorls first displays was in 1962_ He made thirty-two works of art of red and white soup jars. These artworks shook the workmanship world. The soup jars appeared as though the soup delivered by one of Americas most well known food organizations, Campbell. Each painting appeared to be identical aside from the words Mitten on the can that depicted the various types of soup. Warhol utilized a Wry smooth work of art technique so the fine art nearly didn't look hand-made. The works of art seemed as though they came out a similar production line that made the soup jars. Nobody had ever observed workmanship like this. Warhol likewise made works of art utilizing pictures, for example, Coca Cola bottles, dollar images, and well known cleaning items. He took the most regular items and transformed them into artistic work. Warhol before long began making silkscreen prints. This strategy for propagation allowed the craftsman to make numerous pictures rapidly. He would frequently rehash a similar picture ordinarily in one work of art. He preferred mass created workmanship. He once said that he figured everybody should think the same and resemble a machine. Truth be told, where he made his craft was known as The Factory. He had numerous partners who helped him produce his specialty. Andy Warhol investigated numerous different subjects. For instance, he made a progression of works of art on death and debacle. These works indicated pictures of fender benders and executions, He likewise made pictures of acclaimed individuals, for example, the entertainer Marilyn Monroe and the artist Elvis Presley, Warhol was keen on distinction, He commended well known individuals. Andy Warhol once said something regarding distinction that turned out to be well known is as yet rehashed today. .uf30bc5031aba3426d0b242ab4c7ab517 , .uf30bc5031aba3426d0b242ab4c7ab517 .postImageUrl , .uf30bc5031aba3426d0b242ab4c7ab517 .focused content region { min-tallness: 80px; position: relative; } .uf30bc5031aba3426d0b242ab4c7ab517 , .uf30bc5031aba3426d0b242ab4c7ab517:hover , .uf30bc5031aba3426d0b242ab4c7ab517:visited , .uf30bc5031aba3426d0b242ab4c7ab517:active { border:0!important; } .uf30bc5031aba3426d0b242ab4c7ab517 .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .uf30bc5031aba3426d0b242ab4c7ab517 { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; murkiness: 1; change: darkness 250ms; webkit-progress: haziness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .uf30bc5031aba3426d0b242ab4c7ab517:active , .uf30bc5031aba3426d0b242ab4c7ab517:hover { obscurity: 1; progress: mistiness 250ms; webkit-progress: mistiness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .uf30bc5031aba3426d0b242ab4c7ab517 .focused content region { width: 100%; position: rela tive; } .uf30bc5031aba3426d0b242ab4c7ab517 .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: intense; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content beautification: underline; } .uf30bc5031aba3426d0b242ab4c7ab517 .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .uf30bc5031aba3426d0b242ab4c7ab517 .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; outskirt range: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: striking; line-stature: 26px; moz-fringe span: 3px; content adjust: focus; content enrichment: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: supreme; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf30bc5031aba3426d0b242ab4c7ab517:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .uf30bc503 1aba3426d0b242ab4c7ab517 .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .uf30bc5031aba3426d0b242ab4c7ab517-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .uf30bc5031aba3426d0b242ab4c7ab517:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: John Bergers Writing Ways Of Seeing Is A Look Into The World Of Art. T EssayHe said that later on, everyone will be well known or fifteen minutes. Warhol positively delighted in being notable. He made an extremely uncommon open character. He would wear bizarre wigs on his head made of unimposing hair. He would go out each night to parties and other get-togethers where there were lovely and notable individuals. He would converse with correspondents in a modest way. He would give indistinct solutions to their inquiries. Here is a case Of Andy Warhol being gotten some information about his craft. It is from a 1991 narrative f ilm about Whorls life. QUESTION: Andy, do you believe that pop craftsmanship has kind Of arrived at where its getting dreary? WARHOL: Shih, QUESTION: Do you figure it should split away from being pop workmanship? WARHOL: Uh, no. QUESTION: Are you simply going to continue? WARHOL: uh, yes. Andy Warhol was considerably more than only a painter. He was additionally a movie producer, distributer, and director off musical crew. For instance, he created a few low spending workmanship films in the mid nineteen sixties. One was called Empire. It indicated a recorded picture of the Empire State Building in New York City, The film was eight hours in length. In the film Sleep Warhol recorded a companion dozing. The film keeps going six hours. When gotten some information about the uneventful idea of these movies, Warhol addressed that he preferred exhausting or uninteresting things. In the center nineteen sixties Warhol likewise dealt with a musical gang called The Velvet Underground, He helped produce one of their records and structured the front of the collection. Another of Whorls ventures Vass the creation ofIntervieW magazine This magazine secured numerous sorts of American mainstream society. Andy Warhol had the option to meet the sorts of individuals he preferred best, well known individuals. A beautiful drawing of a well known individual was on the front of each issue of the magazine. The picture was attracted the style of Whorls works of art. On June 3, 1968 Warhol endured an about lethal weapon shot injury from hopeful dramatist and radical women's activist creator, Valerie Salinas Who was irate with him for not making a film dependent on a play she composed. The shooting, which happened in the passageway of the Factory, always transformed him and the medias response to this occasion put him considerably more on the map. Despite the fact that he took a shot at numerous different activities, Andy Warhol consistently continued delivering fine art. In the sasss he made a large number of dollars painting people groups pictures. Rich individuals everywhere throughout the world paid a lot of cash to have him paint their image. In the asses Warhol worked with a few more youthful specialists. They included Jean Michel Basque and Keith Haring. Warhol additionally composed a few books and made tuft digital TV programs. While in Milan, going to the opening of the presentation of The Last Supper compositions, Warhol grumbled of serious torment in his correct side. In the wake of deferring an emergency clinic visit, his primary care physicians figured out how to persuade him to look into New York Hospital for nerve bladder medical procedure. On February 22, 1987, while in recuperation jog this standard activity, Andy Warhol passed on. Following entombment in Pittsburgh, a great many grievers offered their feelings of appreciation ATA remembrance administration held at Manhattans SST. Nationalists Cathedral. The administration was gone to by various partners and admirers including craftsmen Roy Liechtenstein, Keith Haring and performer Liz Millennial. Readings were contributed by Yoke Non and Factory teammate and dear companion, Frigid Berlin. In nineteen ninety-four the Andy Warhol Museum opened in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. This exhibition hall is in a huge mechanical structure. As yo

Friday, August 21, 2020

Hollow Men Explication :: English Literature

Empty Men Explication We are the empty men We are the stuffed men Empty and full. Considering the speaker of this crew of inconsistencies is a solitary being (it very well may be a human, or even a stone) speaking to the huge numbers of its sort, it looks like any semblance of a scarecrow or maybe a mannequin along the lines of those seen on CNN speaking to a Bush with a tremendously huge nose put on flares. A panic crow with straw. Stuffed to the edges. A substance lacking generosity. The straw is the substance, yet each singular straw is empty, light, one subtlety of shading yet together they make a reason one of either being a joke of what the U.N. places in its record books of the main super force in the start of the 21st century or frightening crows off. There is a reason among empty grounds, a reason for the straw to be compacted together. What's more, tsk-tsk, that reason for existing is cultivated when a we is accomplished not an I. Inclining together Headpiece loaded up with straw. Oh! This reconfirms my doubts of fluttering together to accomplish a rule of social endorsement, of a status that decides the reason to be one of those playing with the positive. And they should simply lean their heads, even the heads that are loaded with straw, in a practically neuron exemplified skull. Hang over, and take a toast to their beverages a negligible tink of the tumblers even scotch couldn't have a additional delightful too bad flagging a conclusiveness of limited help. Our dried voices, when We murmur together Are calm and pointless As wind in dry grass Or on the other hand rodents' feet over broken glass In our dry basement Hollow voices, less the dew of dampness. However this state is a finished absolute opposite of my quickly drawn hypothesis inside the time allotment of to what extent my eye covers can wander off as those decided asses to abstain from fluttering down (yes Mr. Little, my own one of a kind confirmation of 2 o' clock wanderings into Honor Men turn over a few empty stones themselves, yet I'm not whining, appreciate). Very truly, as I'm taking this illustration less the suggestions I firmly suspect this sonnet to have (maybe even borrowed???), assembling among themselves creates no pace of achievement, for the gathering bears no indispensable result. In any case, whom is to guarantee that it is an essential outcome which infers a achievement, is what out scarecrow is attempting to vouch after? Elliot brushes out a discouraged state of mind on canvas, apparently a sketch of shadows as an antecedent to more feet sliding across shards of glass. With respect to the aftereffect of a meeting, it can likewise highlight the non-presence of

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Significance of Shield Pentangle in Sir Gawain the Green Knight - Literature Essay Samples

â€Å"Sir Gawain and the Green Knight† can be followed for entertainment value, but one passage in particular calls for deeper analysis. Before Sir Gawain begins to undertake his quest for the Green Chapel and dons his armor, the plot has been moving at a steady pace. At this point, the poet diverges from the plot to spend around fifty lines describing Gawain’s shield. By invoking a meaningful symbol, the pentangle, this description holds important information about Gawain that could not be conveyed within the plot alone.The most essential part of this section is simply a description of the shield’s appearance. As the poem reads, â€Å"Then they schewed hym the schelde, that was of schyr goules / Wyth the pentangel depaynt of pure golde hews† (lines 619-620). Gawain arms himself with a shield of fair red color that has a pentangle painted upon it in golden hues. It is the pentangle on which the poet focuses much attention in this passage. For every knight, the shield played two roles. First, in a sheer physical sense it offered protection in battle. It was also used as a means of identification among other knights (Green 126). Each knight had a different design or symbol placed upon his shield, making it possible to identify people in battle when helmets obscured faces. The pentangle, more commonly known as the pentagram, requires further description. It is a five-pointed star made with a single stroke (Haskell 36). This symbol appears in many different traditions; however, the poet makes clear in description how the pentangle should be interpreted:And quy the pentangel apendes to that prynce nobleI am intent yow to telle, thof tary hyt me schulde:Hit is a syngne that Salamon set symquyleIn bytoking of trawthe, bi title that hit habbes,For hit is a figure that haldes five poyntes,And uche lyne umbelappes and loukes in other,And ayquere hit is endeles, and Englych hit callenOveral, as I here, the endeles knot. (623-30)The poet emphasi zes the importance of the pentangle when he states that all English call it the endless knot, a perfect design. Thus the pentangle upon Gawain’s shield suggests an ultimate level of knighthood that identifies him not only as one of the best of Arthur’s court, but perhaps the best of England. The pentangle shows that Gawain â€Å"is, or ought to be, the model of the secular, militant estate, the ideal of the ruling class, presented for the admiration and emulation of the audience† (Green 128).However, it is not just the perfection of the pentangle’s design that justifies Sir Gawain’s ability as a knight; the symbolism runs much deeper. The poet describes, â€Å"Forthy hit acordes to this knyght and to his cler armes, / For ay faithful in five and sere five sthes / Gawan was for gode knawen and as golde pured / Voyded of uche vylany wyth vertues ennourned in mote† (631-35). The â€Å"five fives† (Green 126) refer to five ways of knighth ood as well as five traits that an exemplary knight should have. The five fives define Gawain as England’s definitive knight.First, the poet describes Gawain as being faultless in the five senses, suggesting the strength of the knight’s wits. The next five is the five fingers, which stand as a symbol of Gawain’s great physical prowess. The third is the five wounds of Christ (two the hands, two to the feet and the lance piercing) which stand as a sign of Gawain’s faith in Christianity. The poet states, â€Å"And alle his afyaunce upon folde was in the five woundes,† suggesting that Gawain puts his complete and total trust in his faith (642). The fourth five is noted as the five joys of Mary – while in battle, Gawain focuses upon Mary and her child to receive courage; also, an image of Mary is painted on the inner side of Gawain’s shield. Finally, the fifth five is an assortment of things that can be considered as the chivalric values o f men (generosity, fellowship, purity, courtesy and pity).The pentangle has appeared throughout history, from Babylonian pottery to Freemasonry to Jewish iconography (Green 130) and held special meaning to original readers of this poem as well. The pentangle relates not only the endless nature of truth, but also all the characteristics of an ideal knight. The fifty line diversion from the flow of the plot relates more than a simple description of an object; clearly, the poet wanted readers to consider the broader significance of the shield and pentangle. Because of this diversion, the reader returns to the plot with greater appreciation for Sir Gawain’s character and exemplary traits.Work CitedGreen, Richard H. Gawains Shield and the Quest for Perfection. ELH. June 1962: 121-139.

Monday, May 18, 2020

The Present Participle in English

A present participle is a  verb form  (or verbal)—made by adding -ing to the base—that often functions as an adjective. Present participles are the only verb forms that are completely regular. The present participle (also known as the -ing form) is used with a form of the auxiliary be to express the progressive aspect. For a discussion of the differences between present participles and gerunds (both of which end in -ing), see gerunds. Examples and Observations The hotel were staying in is super deluxe, and we have a working television set.(Cristina Garcia, I Wanna Be Your Shoebox. Simon Schuster, 2008)The Mole had been working very hard all the morning.(Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows, 1908Working in shifts, we get the grave dug by early afternoon and return to the bunkhouse.(Guy Vanderhaeghe, The Englishmans Boy. McClelland Stewart., 1996Im looking for something in an attack dog. One who likes the sweet gamey tang of human flesh.(Mr. Burns in The Simpsons, 1992Looking back you realize that a very special person passed briefly through your life--and that person was you. It is not too late to find that person again.(attributed to Robert Brault)And standing on the sidelines during those first games were the veterans, holding the spaldeens, bouncing them, smelling them in an almost sacramental way.(Pete Hamill, A Drinking Life, 1994When suffering comes, we yearn for some sign from God, forgetting we have just had one.(Mignon McLaug hlin, The Complete Neurotics Notebook. Castle Books, 1981I drive through the electric gates of a three-acre estate, passing landscaped gardens before I pull up in front of a neocolonial mansion, parking beside a Bentley, two Porsches and a Lamborghini Spyder. Moonsamy, wearing jeans and a T-shirt, is waiting for me at the door.(Joshua Hammer, Inside Cape Town. Smithsonian, April 2008Their hair in curlers and their heads wrapped in loud scarves, young mothers, fattish in trousers, lounge about in the speed-wash, smoking cigarettes, eating candy, drinking pop, thumbing magazines, and screaming at their children above the whir and rumble of the machines.(William Gass, In the Heart of the Heart of the CountryAlthough we have traditionally thought of the participle as an adjectival (and that is certainly its more common role), some participles and participial phrases clearly have an adverbial function, providing information of time, place, reason, and manner, as other adverbials do.(Mart ha Kolln and Robert Funk, Understanding English Grammar. Allyn and Bacon, 1998Walking through Sherwood Forest at sunset, we could feel an air of mystery, as if the ancient trees had a story to tell, if only we could hear.(Winsoar Churchill, Robin Hoods Merry England. British Heritage, April 1998Standing near the door, we dipped our fingers in the holy water, crossed and blessed ourselves, and proceeded up to the sleeping-room, in the usual order, two by two.(Maria Monk . . . StandingIn the shoes of indecision, I hear themCome up behind me and go on ahead of meWearing boots, on crutches, barefoot, they could neverGet together on any door-sill or destination—(W.S. Merwin, Sire. The Second Four Books of Poems. Copper Canyon Press, 1993 Whats the Difference Between a Gerund and a Present Participle? Both of these -ing forms are verbals. A gerund functions as a noun:  Laughing is good for you.  A present participle functions as an adjective: The old laughing lady dropped by to call Usage Advice: Not Simultaneous Not Simultaneous. The misuse of the present participle is a common structural sentence-fault for beginning writers. Putting his key in the door, he leapt up the stairs and got his revolver out of the bureau. Alas, our hero couldnt do this even if his arms were forty-feet long. This fault shades into Ing Disease, the tendency to pepper sentences with words ending in -ing, a grammatical construction which tends to confuse the proper sequence of events. (Attr. Damon Knight) (Bruce Sterling, A Workshop Lexicon. Paragons: Twelve Master Science Fiction Writers Ply Their Crafts, ed. by Robin Wilson. St. Martins Press, 1997 Time and the Present Participle The problem of teaching the participle is certainly not simplified by the fact that this term is obviously a misnomer. The student, accustomed to present tenses which indicate present time, and past tenses which indicate past time, cannot comprehend the sophistry of a present participle which indicates now present, now past, now future time. . . . Why insist on calling the participle in -ing present no matter what time it happens to be indicating? (Karl G. Pfeiffer, The Present Participle—A Misnomer. The English Journal, 1931) Also Known As: active, imperfect, or -ing participle

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

People with Disabilities - 1124 Words

From the beginning of human history to the 1700s, people with disabilities were often treated badly or even killed for being different. Typically shunned by early societies, (Special Education, 2014) people with disabilities were pushed aside, abandoned as babies, or even tortured for being different (Raymond, 2012). Stigma associated with difference and superstition often convinced people that cognitive or physical differences were the work of demons and that these people needed to be executed, exorcised, or exiled. People with severe physical disabilities would not have survived during this time because of the lack of medical care, and people with mild disabilities could most likely hide from being identified simply because of the lack of public education and low literacy rates (Raymond, 2012). During the Enlightenment the response of society to the increased visibility of people with disabilities was to build large institutions to house people with disabilities (Raymond, 2012). The Renaissance brought with it a shift in the way people looked at people with disabilities. The Renaissance was a time of economic and cultural changes and an emphasis on the dignity of man. This period brought with it a new interest in arts and sciences and a better understanding of both the cause and the effects of disabilities. Governments focused some of their efforts towards the care of the poor and started almshouses where people could live. People started to experiment withShow MoreRelatedDisabilities : People With Disabilities Essay1442 Words   |  6 Pages People with Disabilities In 2012, the U.S. Census Bureau released a report that approximately 1 in every 5 Americans has a disability, which translated into almost 56.7 million people (U.S. Census Bureau, 2012). Moreover, more than half of that population was severely disabled. However, many disabled people are stigmatized and excluded from everyday activities, do not receive the required disability-related services, and are not accorded equal access to employment opportunitiesRead MoreDisability Discrimination : Disabled People With Disabilities1686 Words   |  7 PagesFaris English IV 16 May 2017 Disability Discrimination In 2010, 19% of the U.S. population had a disability (â€Å"Nearly 1 in 5 People Have a Disability in the U.S., Census Bureau Reports†) and there is no doubt that today, in 2017, that number has increased. The first act that protected the civil rights of people with disabilities was not passed until 1973 (â€Å"What U.S. federal legislation protects the rights of students with disabilities?†). In 2015, there were 26,968 disability cases received by the EEOCRead MoreThe Discrimination Of People With Disabilities Essay1360 Words   |  6 PagesThere are many different issues in society today. One big issue is the discrimination of people with disabilities. Abelism is an ongoing issue in the world today, which can happen in many places. Through the concepts of stereotypes, social environment, pain, minority groups, health beliefs, people with disabilities are constantly being discriminated in the world which is a big problem looking at it from a sociological view. One of the biggest issues we have in the world is the issue of abelismRead MorePeople with Learning Disability784 Words   |  4 PagesTo make sure that people with learning difficulties are able to live in their flats independently and not go through any abuse, there are various strategies to help them such as: Protection of Vulnerable Adults scheme (POVA) The Protection of Vulnerable Adults (POVA) scheme was July 2004 was introduced to protect vulnerable adults such as people with learning disability who are aged 18 years and over in care settings. 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They people that do that for theRead MoreThe Hidden History Of People With Disabilities Essay956 Words   |  4 Pages Having a disability can be very complex and hard to understand. Disability is an individual performing which includes physical, sensory, cognitive, intellectual mental illness impairments, and various types of chronic diseases. Living with a long lasting health condition presents many challenges and learning how to meet those challenges is a process that doesn t happen right away. In the except P.H.*reaks: The Hidden History of People with Disabilities, the playwrights recapitulates on charactersRead MoreDiscrimination Against People With Disabilities1729 Words   |  7 Pages People with Disabilities Mental and physical disabilities are often not well understood. With lack of understanding comes discrimination against people with disabilities. However a growing trend of awareness from the media, advocate groups and development of legal mechanisms have helped provide justice to these people and continues to improve the situation. 18.5% of Australia’s population (4.2million Australians) has a disability. This is a surprisingly large number, however only about 6% of theRead MoreThe People With Disability Will Face Discrimination1347 Words   |  6 Pages We live in a digital world where the physical work becoming lesser and lesser day by day. In the professional world, if we look at any workplace whether it is industry or business, the people with disability will face discrimination. Stereotypical thinking is that people with physical disability cannot do much of work. Even though in this digital and machine world where less physical work required, though the disable d persons find difficulties. Most questionable thing is that, physically

Social and Economic Concerns in Australia-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the Social and Economic Concerns in Australia. Answer: Introduction Since the global recession in 2008 -09 countries across the world were shaken and economically distressed. Several challenges cropped up. Reports identified that some challenges were borne from domestic issues while other developed from increasing awareness towards interdependency of the world. Challenges and issues like terrorism, human rights, climate change, community breakdown, criminal activities and crime are some of the key social issues that impact on the social life of the people. The thesis here will hence study and discuss several issues faced by the Australia in recent years (the Guardian, 2017). A report published in 2015, still highlights the issues like Economic and Financial subjects are the key areas of concerns and in these areas Australia is facing problem. Research Aim and Objectives The primary aim of the study is to conduct an empirical study on social and economic concerns of Australia since 2015 till present. The secondary aim however emphasises on discussing various facets of concern that is plaguing the present situation. After identifying the aim of the study the following objectives are underpinned to give a direction to the entire investigation; To study and analyse the key issues in the present economic situation in Australia To conduct an empirical study to understand how far the global issues have impacted on the socio economic aspects of Australia To understand ways in which the Government is developing policies to handle situation To discuss about the issues and its implication in future Research Question Research question is of key concern in a thesis as it acts like a guideline and help in project management. The questions are thus underpinned below; What are the key issues in the socio-economic domain in Australian scenario? How far economic issues in the post-recession affected environment impact on the social life of people? What are key challenges faced by Australian in the past few years? Literature Review Economic issues: Australian economic issues were dominated by three main areas, such as unemployment, housing concerns and economy. Lack of jobs and employment opportunities are impacting on the lives of Australians. Low employment opportunities available to the younger generation is affecting severely on the economic condition of the country. Problems associated with immigration and so on are also common in manufacturing domain. Besides this several complain about Australian economy and high debts as well as deficit. General economic problems are unique and lack of industries in Australia also impacted on overall economic environment. Poor global economic conditions have further affected on the overall environment. Housing affordability is also highlighted by several analysts as a unique area for concern (, 2017). In 2007 changes in the political environment encouraged modification in social life of Australians Change in the federal election further led to a transition environment. Kevin Rudd brought the federal labour back after 11 years. Rudds victory in November election encouraged change and also gave more responsibilities towards the environment. Thus, in the 21st century several challenges were faced by the Australian society. It could be mentioned that for instance, the global financial instability, such as soon after the end of the recession several underlying problems continued within the society. The particular size, complexity as well as link between the private financial market also sometimes challenges the system and impact on overall performance. The government is expected to intervene and supervise the situation as well as regulate. Besides this, other problems like nuclear proliferation led to tension. Current focus on development of nuclear weapons as continued by US and Russia further tensed the situation and Australia remained active in the arms controlling activity (ABC News, 2017). The cyber-revolution is another area which led to enhancement in productivity and prosperity. Development of new technologies has improved efficiency in work. The growth of advanced system has also encouraged new criminal activities like cyber- attacks and data theft. Thus several types of issues are impacting on the overall economic environment of Australia (Swiericzuk, 2012). Social issues Some of the key social issues that evolved at an alarming rate included, family violence, domestic unrest, national sexual assault, drinking and bullying, safety for women etc. Some of the key activities like reduce violence against women and children, online gambling, attempts to reduce violence against women and domestic level (Denniss et al., 2010). Structure of the Research: The structure of the research here includes five chapter or five specific areas including an introduction to the research area, a critical study and literature review after conducting an empirical system, research methodology and identification of key tools, findings and analysis and conclusion as well as recommendation. The topic is introduced here in the first chapter. After introducing the topic the aim and objectives are mentioned. Research questions are also underpinned. The exposition here includes evaluation of the topic and how socio economic issues are impacting on Australian environment. The literature review section evaluates from various journals and PDF. The researcher conducts an empirical study on several journals, books, pdf and other articles and research publications. The critical review of the literature is presented here. Methodology section however introduces specific tools and techniques that are used in the research work. After identifying key tools of research analysis findings and evaluation section is presented critically. In the end the conclusion is mentioned and recommendations put forward after identifying gaps in the existing research studies. Methodology In order to complete the research study in a systematic way the researcher here, has concentrate on selecting specific tools as well as researching techniques and completed the research work in a systematic manner to reach a logical conclusion. Since this is the important segment in research work that helps the researcher in completing the investigation in a defined manner. Some of the key approaches those were implemented here includes the research methods, design, data collection method and sampling technique. Secondary data will be studied for the purpose of evaluation and analysis. The researcher will primarily study from a vast array of available resources on Australian economic and social conditions. Information may be collected from a variety of sources from different sources (Chandra and Sharma, 2013). Secondary data analysis is strictly accumulated from previously published information on the same topic. This secondary data is generated by several expert researchers on conduction of study on the same topic and these are released later on. The secondary data is collected to ensure proper understanding of the topic. The information on the topic is hence collected by studying extensively from available sources, specially journals, books and other research works published on the topic. The researcher here has referred to journals, PDFs, articles and structured reports on the topic. Systematic searching as well as data skimming procedure has been implemented for collection of information from Google, JSTOR, Ref Repository, Google Scholar, Mintel etc. the research procedure is secondary qualitative analysis. After identifying some prominent key words the following research work has been completed in a defined way (Ketchen and Bergh, 2004). Inclusion and exclusion criteria: Inclusion and Exclusion criterion has been followed while conducting the research works. In this a secondary data analysis based qualitative research inclusion and exclusion has been followed. Inclusion and Exclusion criteria particularly help in recognizing specific information on the topic by following criterion. In this research study on Australian economic and social issues the researcher could successfully collect a large amount of information from the available resources, it is essential to eliminate all unnecessary data from available resources on economic condition around the world and this could be only done by implementing this inclusion and exclusion parameters. In this particular research the analyst underpins key selected articles published in English language only. Once the data has been collected all the non English as well as irrelevant content were eliminated from the study (Kothari and Garg, 2016). Inclusion Exclusion Study and select only relevant data that are based on in-depth primary analysis and thorough studies on the socio-economic challenges and issues in Australia. Exclude all information and research studies that lacks in proper primary research work In the research evaluation select and include those respective data that are specifically on Australia and about socio-economic challenges. There are various challenges suffered during the post-recession environment. These social and economic issues are specifically chosen for discussion Studies that include exploring issues beyond Australian context and other problems of Australia. Such as political, legal and technological research works are not included here. Only social and economic research findings are included. Studies published in English language were includes here Research works published in other language were eliminated as translation will take additional time Studies published after 2014 are included here Research works published before 2007 are excluded from the study Journal selection: Journal/ Article Title Author Year of Publication IZA Journal of Development and Migration: Migration, entrepreneurship and development: critical questions Wim Naud, Melissa Siegel and Katrin Marchand 2016 Migration a Challenge to the 21st Century Maciej St. Zi?ba 2008 Social capital and economic development in regional Australia: A case study AndrewWoodhouse 2009 Contrasts and similarities in economic performance of migrant entrepreneurs Mediha Sahin, Peter Nijkamp, and Soushi Suzuki 2014 Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Growth Pontus Braunerhjelm 2010 The Place of Social Capital in Understanding Social and Economic Outcomes Michael Woolcock 2011 Social dimensions of mining: Research, policy and practice challenges for the minerals industry in Australia Fiona Solomon, Evie Katz and RoyLovel 2008 Global Migration and Social Protection Rights The Social and Economic Security of Cross-Border Students in Australia Ana Deumert, Simon Marginson, Chris Nyland, Gaby Ramia, Erlenawati Sawir 2008 Research Approach: Research approaches help in guiding the analysis process. Namely two types of research approaches inductive and deductive are implemented for evaluation and analysis. Inductive approach is also known as the bottoms-up approach as it allows the researcher to move from specific to general. This approach gives scope for new experimentation and also experimentation of new theories and its impact. Since this approach offers ample scope for evaluation and analysis the researcher has followed the approach here in conduction of research on socio and economic issues in Australia (Kothari and Garg, 2016). Deductive approach is considered where the analyst considers working from general to specific and this is also known as top-down approach. The inference is drawn logically and follows the facts available. On the other hand the Inductive approach is also known as the bottom-up approach and here the evaluation moves from specific to general and offers scope of evaluation, imagination and even development of new theories and models through experimentation (Ketchen and Bergh, 2004). Findings and analysis It is hence evident from the empirical study that present issues like unemployment, low job opportunities; poor industrial growth has impacted on the economic and social conditions. Since people do not have proper jobs, the overall social condition has been under threat in a defined way. Life of people is unique in Australia. Till 2017 various reports highlight how Australia suffered over the years. Growth is projected to increase gradually from 2018 by 3%. There is a steep decline in the investment in the resource sector and this impacted negatively on the support wages. Fiscal policy should be properly developed to ensure generation of high return on investment (Robinson, Tsiaplias and Nguyen, 2015). Key findings from the recent studies as found about Australia are; Shutdown of the car industry: with the shutdown of the manufacturing unit of Ford several people lost jobs. About 600 lost jobs and several staffs in the support industries lost jobs as well. Need for components also reduced and this impacted on the overall business sector. The unemployment rate of Australia is 5.7 per cent high and several auto related workers lost jobs which further triggered the job rate and is now more the 6 per cent. Unemployment rate in Australia is very high. Ethics are an integral aspect of human life and irrespective of the nature of job or background ethics are addressed in a defined way (Swiericzuk, 2012). Ethics are handled properly to manage dilemma in a defined way. After developing a communication strategy it is essential to identify if the respective message has been communicated in a proper way or not. On the online platform, digital device helps in conducting a two-way communication.. Since employee productivity is an integral aspect of business the HRM focuses on adopting several approaches and strategies to increase productivity of the staff. Employee training and performance management are some of key techniques to improve productivity. Motivation approaches are also implemented to enhance overall productivity and employee engagement. Psychological boost, continuous encouragement and training and motivation are most common techniques of motivating employees in a defined way (Kothari and Garg, 2016). According to Torrington et al. (1998), human resource management is a defined process that comprise of key activities such as staffing or acquisition, development, motivation and employee engagement. In the recent studies they further mentioned that it is distinct branch of management that is ideally responsible for maintaining and managing the relationship between the management and employees and also between the employees with other employees. According to scholar s such as Mondy, and Gowan, (2005), the aim of HRM is to maintain harmonious relationship within the organisation. Many researchers have highlighted that HRM is a special technique to ensure that the organisational goals are achieved by meeting individual expectation or in other words, keeping happy employees and employee engaging strategies ensures organisational growth and prosperity. Researchers have studied the concept of human resource management from different angles and evaluated ways in which it assists in the companys growth and profitability (Eldridge and Nisar, 2006). Thinkers have mentioned that HRM has identified employees as an asset to the organisation, such as Google, and hence they develop effective strategies to ensure productivity, business enhancement through employee engagement and retention strategies (Kothari and Garg, 2016). French Wendell, (2005) the Human resource management is concerned with personnel administration. In the contemporary research on human resource management a study on the strategic approach of the management has been time and again studied. Researchers have identified that HRM is an offshoot of personnel management that was strictly about management of staff in an organisation setup. Conclusions It could be hence conclude here that in the post-recession affected scenario several issues impacted on Australian social and economic situation. Several lost jobs as key industries were affected. Firms and manufacturing units of auto companies closed down and this impacted negatively on the economic situation. The codes should be evaluated in relation with the values such as ways in which these impact on an individuals work or area of interest and affect performance in a positive or negative way. Stakeholders should be informed to eliminate issues like any type of conflicts or professional hazards in a defined way. The development of the codes has a significant impact on the society and also on life of people. Considering an ethical approach in the work will help in recognising as well as minimising various negative impacts. Thus promotion of equal opportunity in the work environment will help in creating a positive and healthy environment. Recommendations and / or future research Following recommendations may be put forward after completing the study and identification of gaps in the existing study. Firstly, the government should introduce new policies for making investment and growth in the specific sector. Secondly, since Australia is a colourful land with several beautiful destinations, they could easily focus on growing the tourism industry. Development and focus should be given on travel and tourism event management and then on the business enhancement. Thirdly, special focus should be given on lowering employment level. Employment should be specially focussed to enhance job opportunities. Fourthly, improvement on economic condition will help in improving living condition and social improvement could be achieved. Research limitations Some of the practical problems that would be experienced during the conduction of the investigation on the topic are, one of the first issues would be the budget and secondly the student would face trouble with time constraint. Here in this student research work the budget and time are the main issues that restrict an individual from collection of essential information. Since there is a limited budget the students has limited scope of studying from academic journals or invest in books. The researcher however, have visited the university library, online libraries and also explored materials from seniors. He could invest very little and collect new materials for the study. Secondly, while circulating the questionnaire among the respondents in companies to find out about the human resource development and its connection with employee productivity, he might feel restriction or lack of cooperation in the survey. The data collection process is hence difficult and might not help in collecti ng data in the expected way. Thirdly, the time is the main limitation as it is difficult for a researcher to complete a professional standard project within a short time period. References Journals: Australian Journal of Social Issues: Special Issue Devoted to Selected Papers from the 2007 Australian Social Policy Conference. (2010).Australian Journal of Social Issues, 43(2), pp.169-173. Robinson, T., Nguyen, V. and Wang, J. (2017). The Australian Economy in 2016-17: Looking Beyond the Apartment Construction Boom.Australian Economic Review, 50(1), pp.5-20. Robinson, T., Tsiaplias, S. and Nguyen, V. (2015). The Australian Economy in 2014-15: An Economy in Transition.Australian Economic Review, 48(1), pp.1-14. Australian Social Work Reviewers 2012. (2012).Australian Social Work, 65(4), pp.593-595. Balachandar, G., Panchanatham, N. and Subramanian, K. (2010). Impact of Job Situation on the Motivation of Insurance Companies Officers: A Developmental Perspective.International Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance, pp.349-353. Dellenbarger, L. and Zhu, L. (2012). The Recession in a Recession.SSRN Electronic Journal. NORMAN, D. and WALKER, T. (2012). CO-MOVEMENT OF AUSTRALIAN STATE BUSINESS CYCLES*.Australian Economic Papers, 46(4), pp.360-374. Redmond, G. (2015). Social inclusion in Australia - what has it achieved?.Australian Journal of Social Issues, 50(2), pp.115-117. Robinson, T., Tsiaplias, S. and Nguyen, V. (2015). The Australian Economy in 2014-15: An Economy in Transition.Australian Economic Review, 48(1), pp.1-14. Sayer, A. (2011). Moral Economy and Political Economy.Studies in Political Economy, 61(1), pp.79-103. You Tube: (2017).Australian property and banks are in serious trouble. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Oct. 2017]. (2017).Can Australia avoid a financial crisis?. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Oct. 2017]. (2017).Explained: Australia's current economic position. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Oct. 2017]. (2017).How The Economic Machine Works by Ray Dalio. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Oct. 2017]. (2017).Inequality in Australia: a nation divided. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Oct. 2017]. (2017).The Future of the Australian Economy. [online] Available at: [Accessed 10 Oct. 2017]. 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Tuesday, April 14, 2020

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Monday, April 6, 2020

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Thursday, March 12, 2020

The Good, the Bad and College Application Essay Samples Biology

The Good, the Bad and College Application Essay Samples Biology Being in college might be a tiny struggle for some. People today tell you things that could help you when you truly listen. Details of College Application Essay Samples Biology To stick out from a substantial number of applicants, your college application essay has to be strong, distinctive and creative. On our site, you can receive the very best scholarship application essay in a couple of clicks. It's easy to locate students not understanding how to write college application essays. A student doesn't write admission essay to have a high grade. So many students believe that they know what colleges want from an applicant, and this may have a big influence above their essays. The majority of the colleges utilize the typical application essay prompts. Given that the absolute most competitive colleges in the nation generally ask you to compose multiple supplemental essays and short answer questions past the most important Common Application essay, it's more important than ever to acquire the top-of-the-line assistance that can produce a difference in the approach. Your college counselor can offer valuable insight into how to boost your college application essays, so make sure to find feedback on your drafts whenever possible. By doing that the student stays true to the very first paragraph in supplying a crystal clear direction throughout the full essay. In any case, college community may locate a valuable input given by my essay. Thus, it's important to have a look at excellent application essay examples. As you are interested in getting the essay to communicate the very best information about you, you have to do thorough preparation for the sample college admission essays to attain its purposes. Thus, the essay is supposed to coincide with the applicant's qualities and interests in order for it to boost the probabilities of admission. Our admission essay examples can prove that we're here in order to provide simply the very best assistance to assure you which you submit an application essay you can be confident in. College Application Essay Samples Biology for Dummies School-based counselors have lots of students to advise and are extremely busy, so seek out guidance early and often. Furthermore, there's an allowance to use the exact same funny approach utilized by the college. It features information about oneself that proves to the council a person deserves the chance for additional studies in a spe cific area. Since there's a pool of applicants competing for limited chances in a specific college or school, it's important for a student to use every opportunity they must compose the very best essay. Top College Application Essay Samples Biology Choices An application essay is a kind of intellectual property. It's very valuable to take writing apart as a way to see just the way that it accomplishes its objectives. This section gives the applicant a chance to create a last statement to the reader. Listed here are the guarantees we offer to anybody who is prepared for professional support. The purpose of the introduction is to provide a glimpse of the aim of the essay. If you wish to secure far better idea about what the peculiarities of writing inside this subject field are, feel free to seek advice from our Natural sciences section. The topics are simple, but expert help won't ever be odd. For a beginning, the typical application essay topics need you to use language th at's totally free from language flaws and grammatical mistakes. The only factor to consider is how long the paper is. There are lots of experts online who might not understand how essays are written. As a consequence, spending money to deal with your essays could possibly be challenging. When you have prejudice knowledge about the kind of question would be asked during the admission procedure, then your essay writing can be simple, but if you don't then it would be an intimidating undertaking.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Reflective Topics Essay - Why To Reflect On Your Roots

Reflective Topics Essay - Why To Reflect On Your RootsOne of the best reflection topics essay topics to have been worked on in the past are the historical topics. With that being said, it is very important that you think about your subject matter and write on it. You do not want to give off the impression that you are just throwing things out there and just tossing them out to the kids at a party.One of the most common reasons to choose a historical topic to write on is that it brings you a unique and interesting perspective of life in the past. You have to remember that the past is a distant memory and if you are going to share something with the young generation, you need to remember the history of our nation and the role our country has played in the world of today. If you want to really tell your story, you have to show them how we went from being the fourth largest empire in the world to being a world leader in the field of science and medicine, education, and business.The secon d most common reason that people choose to write reflection topics is to write in their own voice. Sometimes people choose to write and record their thoughts on the issues that they are passionate about. Writing in their own voice is a way to personalize the topics essay and make it something that they can keep on reference for many years to come.When you choose to write on these topics, it does not matter if you choose to reflect on why your family has come to where they are today, or what your real reason is to write. The key thing to remember is that these reflect in what you say and in how you feel about your life and the topics. If you want to give your content great weight, you have to find a way to make your reflections meaningful and fresh.To reflect your opinion on the life of someone who was no longer around to speak, you need to choose something that you can get into, and you can stay on topic. Do not choose to write something that you have no personal knowledge about, an d that you do not feel comfortable reading about in an essay.Another great way to reflect on a historical topic is to use the writing exercises included in the reflection topics essay. You need to allow the writer to think about the choices that he or she has made, what options they have, and how those choices led to the current state of the world.Finally, a reflection topics essay can be applied to almost any topic. It is important to choose something that you feel good about, that you can show to a large group of people, and that you have no difficulty expressing your thoughts on.